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Marvin Gaye and Kim Weston were right - It takes two    <3>

Behind The Music 2002-2.jpg (22232 Byte)

Unsurprisingly, great soul music spoke to these righteous brothers. "The Temptations were our Beatles," Hall told Behind The Music. "They were like the Gods because they were the best vocal group in the world at the time." As recounted in the show, they first met when escaping from a gang fight that broke out during a Battle Of The Bands at Philly's Adelphi Ballroom. Forged in their mutual survival instinct and taste in music, the relationship between Daryl Hall and John Oates hasn't always been easy, but the connection still runs deep. "Our relationship is kind of like brothers," John Oates told Behind The Music. "There's like a childhood bond. And that's really how we relate."

Hall & Oates' partnership flourishes in spite - or perhaps because - of the differences between them. "I'm a strong starter and John's a strong finisher," Hall explained to Behind The Music. He's very meticulous, I'm conceptual. I see the big picture, he sees the details. I'm an optimist, I think he's basically a pessimist." Or as John Oates told the show, "We didn't have a lot in common on the personal side. Other than music."




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