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Hall & Oates Live Concert Fan Reviews


 09/08/2004: Xcel Ctr. St Paul, MN

My story will be short, but it was a night I won't soon forget!!

September 8th, 2004 would have been my mothers 78th birthday. We were not that close, but she always said "It skips a generation". My 31 year old daughter and I went to see Hall & Oates, Michael McDonald, and AWB... (I belong to the All Access Club, so I got 2nd row seat tickets!!! The best I've ever had!! It paid to belong to the CLUB!!!)

The first three rows were allowed to stand at the stage, and since I'm only 5'2", I could barely see over...I stood on my toes alot! But, we were up to the stage, so I was elated!! I know it sounds silly to hear a 55 year old woman was happy to touch T Bones shoe, and Charlie's shoe, and I really wanted to win backstage passes, which I did not, but it was a thrill for me...(I almost got Daryl's shoe, but he was 2 inches away, and I could not reach him...I really tried!!) My friends at work are trying to get me to touch their shoes....but I won't!

I have seen H&O- 12 times...not as much as I would have liked...in the 30 years I've followed them, I was raising 2 kids alone, so money was tight. Most of the shows I saw, were birthday presents from friends, who knew I"d love to see them!!

Well, it really DOES skip a generation!! My daughter and I had the best, closest time of our life, and we hugged each other, and felt the love for our existence together! And since she was brought up with H&O, we really do have a bond!! Not only were we happy to be at a great show, we are happy to be related!

Long live Daryl and John!!

Rene Sundvall and daughter Lori Lynn.


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