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Arista Press Release "Change Of Season" 1990   <3>


COS John.jpg (4634 Byte)Dave Stewart served as guitarist, songwriter; and co-producer on the pensive „Heavy Rain." Members of Shakespeare's Sister (Siobahn Fahey and Marcella Detroit) can be heard on backing vocals on two tracks: „Don’t Hold Back Your Love” and „Heavy Rain”. „David Tyson (Alannah Myles), Richard Page, and Gerald O'Brian contributed the uptempo „Don't Hold Back Your Love," and John worked with Joe Cang on „Only Love”. John penned lyrics and worked with key- boardist Bobby Mayo on the music for the soulful title track "Change of Season" is very important to me,"

COS Daryl.jpg (4163 Byte)John explains. "lt's about needing to make a change and move forward... It emanated from some-thing very personal yet   is reflected in a broader sense." Change and the passage of time seem prevalent themes on the album and are very much on the artists' minds as well. "I'm used to thinking of things changing for the worse," says Daryl, "but there is an optimism in the air now. People are reaching out. "Everywhere I Look" is about this communicative attitude: "Everywhere I look I see people waking up, So why are we still sleeping, Everywhere l look l see people shaking off all the old ways, So why can't we follow thru.




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